About Yarcombe Village
The parish of Yarcombe consists of Yarcombe village and the hamlet of Marsh. Yarcombe straddles the A30, equidistant from Honiton and Chard, and Marsh lies beside the A303 to the north. In an area of 4¼ x 2½ miles, there is a population of around 500 people living in 200 houses. The parish is in an Area of Outstanding Beauty within the Blackdown Hills.
The centre of Yarcombe village is situated around the Church, the Village Hall, and The Belfry Hotel. There is a 25 year old estate of 19 houses. Marsh sits on the old A30 and includes an excellent pub. There is an average age mix, but with quite a lot of retired people. Primary aged children attend nearby village schools by bus and there is a bus to the secondary school in Honiton.
This is still very much a farming area with about 25 working farms and many small businesses run from homes. The Post Office, in the Village Hall car park, is open for two hours a week. There are no other shops, but there is a bus to Honiton and back once a week. Challenges include lack of affordable housing for both young people and elderly who want to down-size, poor transport and the viability of the village pub.
About St John the Baptist Church, Yarcombe
There has been a church in Yarcombe since the 13th century. A large team of volunteers care for the cleaning, churchyard and flowers – comments in our visitors’ book often say how well-cared for it seems. There is a small regular congregation, (aged mainly over 60) , but with the more people coming to Family Services. The annual carol service is very well attended by all ages, and special celebrations like Harvest and Remembrance Sunday are popular as well. We have a strong link with Yarcombe Baptist Chapel and have frequent joint services in both venues.
Church Activities
A weekly ‘Pause for Prayer’ time.
A weekly Ecumenical Bible Study in term times.
The Church organises regular Community Lunches in the Village Hall with a speaker or a film after the meal.
The first Saturday in August is the Terrier Races – the main fund raising event of the year.
14 volunteers distribute just under 200 copies of our parish newspaper called Yarcombe Voices every month along with flower show leaflets and the information leaflet.
The church has recently begun a Baby & Toddler Group which takes places on Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 noon ( this will restart spring 2023). This is led by helpers who are all DBS checked. Parents and carers are most welcome to come along to meet others with similar aged children.
About Yarcombe Community
There is a strong sense of community with organisations such as the Tuesday Club (W.I. alternative) and a summer Croquet club.
There is a monthly market in the Hall and a Young Farmers Club for the surrounding villages.
The parish Council meet every month and publish a parish information leaflet with lots of useful information/contacts for all newcomers to Yarcombe and others in the parish.
The good neighbours scheme will collect prescriptions and ferry folk to doctors/hospital appointments.
The Yarcombe website is full of information about the village and includes old and new photographs which give an excellent insight into living here. http://www.yarcombe.net