Church services

We meet in the parish churches every Sunday and during the week. Please click on Calendar to find out when and where these services will be.

For details of other prayer groups and bible studies which take place around this Mission Community please contact the Rev'd Simon Holloway.

At special times of the year such as Lent, Harvest, Advent and Christmas we have special services which will be noted in the calendar.

Different Types of Services

Holy Communion  - a service including the celebration of Holy Communion with the sharing of the bread and the wine. Also known as Eucharist. Some of our Holy Communion Services follow the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

Family Service  - a service suitable for all ages, including those with children

Morning Prayer  - a traditional morning service, usually following the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Also known as Mattins.

Morning Worship  - often led by a Reader, using Common Worship's Service of the Word.

Evening Prayer  - a traditional evening service

Evening Worship  - a more informal evening service

Pause for Prayer - A short prayer service, following the outline of Common Worship Morning Prayer


Sunday Services

Below you can see the pattern of our services throughout the parishes. For more details of a particular parish please choose the parish you are interested in from the options above.



 BCP - Book of Common Prayer (1662)

 HC - Holy communion – Common worship unless stated otherwise

 EP - Evening Prayer

 MP - Morning Prayer (usually BCP also know as Mattins)

EW - Evening Worship MW - Morning Worship often led by reader – Common Worship: Service of the Word
FS - (usually) Lay led Family Service  


If you have any questions about any of the services that are taking place at our churches, please feel free to be in contact with our administrator at the 

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